In this section, we go over most common probabilistic reasoning tasks, and provide code snippets to compute those queries.
First, we load some pretrained PC, and the corresponding data.
using CircuitModelZoo: zoo_psdd_file
using DensityEstimationDatasets: twenty_datasets
using ProbabilisticCircuits
using Tables
pc = read(zoo_psdd_file("plants.psdd"), ProbCircuit);
data, _, _ = twenty_datasets("plants");
data = Tables.matrix(data);
println("circuit with $(num_nodes(pc)) nodes and $(num_parameters(pc)) parameters.")
println("dataset with $(size(data, 2)) features and $(size(data, 1)) examples.")
circuit with 154867 nodes and 28031 parameters. dataset with 69 features and 17412 examples.
Full Evidence (EVI)
EVI refers to computing the probability when full evidence is given, i.e. when $x$ is fully observed, the output is $p(x)$. We can use loglikelihoods
method to compute $\log{p(x)}$:
probs = loglikelihoods(pc, data[1:100, :]; batch_size=64);
3-element Vector{Float32}: -7.533389 -16.534176 -27.8094
Partial Evidence (MAR)
In this case we have some missing values. Let $x^o$ denote the observed features, and $x^m$ the missing features. We would like to compute $p(x^o)$ which is defined as $p(x^o) = \sum_{x^m} p(x^o, x^m)$. Of course, computing this directly by summing over all possible ways to fill the missing values is not tractable.
The good news is that given a smooth and decomposable PC, the marginal can be computed exactly and in linear time to the size of the PC.
First, we randomly make some features go missing
using DataFrames
using Tables
function make_missing(d; keep_prob=0.8)
m = missings(Bool, size(d)...)
flag = rand(size(d)...) .<= keep_prob
m[flag] .= d[flag]
return m
data_miss = make_missing(data[1:1000,:]);
Now, we can use loglikelihoods
to compute the marginal queries.
probs = loglikelihoods(pc, data_miss; batch_size=64);
3-element Vector{Float32}: -7.490938 -14.940035 -23.29802
Note that loglikelihoods
can also be used to compute probabilisties if all data is observed, as we saw in previous section.
Conditionals (CON)
In this case, given observed features $x^o$, we would like to compute $p(Q \mid x^o)$, where $Q$ is a subset of features disjoint with $x^o$. We can use Bayes rule to compute conditionals as two seperate MAR queries as follows:
Currently, this has to be done manually by the user. We plan to add a simple API for this case in the future.
Maximum a posteriori (MAP, MPE)
In this case, given the observed features $x^o$ the goal is to fill out the missing features in a way that $p(x^m, x^o)$ is maximized.
We can use the MAP
method to compute MAP, which outputs the states that maximize the probability and the log-likelihoods of each state.
data_miss = make_missing(data[1:1000,:], keep_prob=0.5);
states = MAP(pc, data_miss; batch_size = 64);
(1000, 69)
We can also sample from the distrubtion $p(x)$ defined by a Probabilistic Circuit. You can use sample
to achieve this task.
samples = sample(pc, 100, [Bool]);
(100, 1, 69)
Additionally, we can do conditional samples $x \sim p(x \mid x^o)$, where $x^o$ are the observed features ($x^o \subseteq x$), and could be any arbitrary subset of features.
#3 random evidences for the examples
evidence = rand( (missing,true,false), (2, num_randvars(pc)));
samples = sample(pc, 3, evidence; batch_size = 2);
(3, 2, 69)