Construct an HMM

This tutorial demonstrates how to construct an HMM with pyjuice.inputs, pyjuice.multiply, and pyjuice.summate.

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Let’s start by importing the necessary packages.

import torch
import pyjuice as juice
import pyjuice.nodes.distributions as dists

We start with specifying the structural parameters of the HMM

seq_length = 32
num_latents = 2048
num_emits = 4023

An important parameter to be determined is the block size, which is crucial for PyJuice to compile efficient models. Specifically, we want the block size to be large enough so that PyJuice can leverage block-based parallelization.

block_size = min(juice.utils.util.max_cdf_power_of_2(num_latents), 1024)

The number of node blocks is derived accordingly

num_node_blocks = num_latents // block_size

We use the context manager set_block_size to set the block size of all PC nodes. In the following we assume T = seq_length and K = num_latents

with juice.set_block_size(block_size):
    # We begin by defining p(X_{T-1}|Z_{T-1}) for all k = 0...K-1
    ns_input = juice.inputs(seq_length - 1, num_node_blocks = num_node_blocks,
                            dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = num_emits))

    ns_sum = None
    curr_zs = ns_input
    for var in range(seq_length - 2, -1, -1):
        # The emission probabilities p(X_{var}|Z_{var}=k) for all k = 0...K-1
        curr_xs = ns_input.duplicate(var, tie_params = True)

        # The transition probabilities p(Z_{var+1}|Z_{var})
        if ns_sum is None:
            # Create both the structure and the transition probabilities
            ns = juice.summate(curr_zs, num_node_blocks = num_node_blocks)
            ns_sum = ns
            # Create only the structure and reuse the transition probabilities from `ns_sum`
            ns = ns_sum.duplicate(curr_zs, tie_params=True)

        curr_zs = juice.multiply(curr_xs, ns)

    # The Initial probabilities p(Z_{0})
    ns = juice.summate(curr_zs, num_node_blocks = 1, block_size = 1)

Note that ns.duplication is a handy function to create duplications of existing node vectors. For input nodes (e.g., ns_input.duplicate(var, tie_params = True)) we can specify it to define on a new variable. The argument tie_params = True means we want to use the same set of parameters in the original and the duplicated node vector. The parameters will remain tied after parameter learning, structural transformation, etc.

For sum node vectors, ns.duplicate allows us to specify a new list of children. However, the child nodes must have the same size (same number of node blocks and block size).

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