PC Structural Transformation Functions

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the built-in structural transformation algorithms to easily create and manipulate PCs.

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = 'imgs/juice.png'

Let’s start by importing the necessary packages.

import torch
import pyjuice as juice
import pyjuice.nodes.distributions as dists

Clone a PC

pyjuice.deepcopy allows us to clone a PC, with some options to manipulate the copy. Let’s start by defining a PC.

with juice.set_block_size(block_size = 4):

    i00 = juice.inputs(0, num_node_blocks = 8, dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = 5))
    i10 = juice.inputs(1, num_node_blocks = 8, dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = 5))
    i11 = juice.inputs(1, num_node_blocks = 8, dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = 5))

    ms0 = juice.multiply(i00, i10)
    ms1 = juice.multiply(i00, i11)

    ns = juice.summate(ms0, ms1, num_node_blocks = 1)


To create an independent copy of ns, we can run:

new_ns1 = juice.deepcopy(ns)

By setting tie_params to True, we can tie the parameters of the original PC with that of the copied PC. Note that tied parameters will remain the same during all transformation/learning procedures implemented in PyJuice.

new_ns2 = juice.deepcopy(ns, tie_params = True)

By providing a var_mapping, we can define the copied PC on another set of variables.

var_mapping = {0: 2, 1: 3}
new_ns3 = juice.deepcopy(ns, var_mapping = var_mapping)

Note that tie_params and var_mapping can be used simultaneously:

new_ns3 = juice.deepcopy(ns, tie_params = True, var_mapping = var_mapping)

Merge PCs

juice.merge can be used to collapse vectors of nodes defined on the same variable scope into a single vector of nodes. Take the following PC as an example:

with juice.set_block_size(block_size = 4):

    i00 = juice.inputs(0, num_node_blocks = 8, dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = 5))
    i01 = juice.inputs(0, num_node_blocks = 8, dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = 5))
    i10 = juice.inputs(1, num_node_blocks = 8, dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = 5))
    i11 = juice.inputs(1, num_node_blocks = 8, dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = 5))

    ms00 = juice.multiply(i00, i10)
    ms01 = juice.multiply(i01, i11)

    ns = juice.summate(ms00, ms01, num_node_blocks = 1, block_size = 1)

In the above PC (i.e., ns), i00 and i01 (also i10 and i11) can be merged into a single object since they define on the same variable and has the same distribution. juice.merge outputs an equivalent PC with the objects properly merged:

new_ns1 = juice.merge(ns)

Another usage of the merge function is to “concatenate” nodes defined by multiple PyJuice objects, if they are defined on the same set of variables.

ns0 = juice.summate(ms00, num_node_blocks = 8, block_size = 4)
ns1 = juice.summate(ms01, num_node_blocks = 8, block_size = 4)

new_ns2 = juice.merge(ns0, ns1)

new_ns2 will also be equivalent to ns.

Adjust block sizes

In the second tutorial (i.e., “Construct Simple PCs”), we mentioned that defining PCs with large block_size is crucial to their efficiency. While the best practice is to set high block sizes manually whenever possible, we provide pyjuice.blockify to try bumping the group size of all vectors of nodes within a PC.

with juice.set_block_size(block_size = 2):

    ni0 = juice.inputs(0, num_node_blocks = 2, dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = 2))
    ni1 = juice.inputs(1, num_node_blocks = 2, dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = 2))
    ni2 = juice.inputs(2, num_node_blocks = 2, dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = 2))
    ni3 = juice.inputs(3, num_node_blocks = 2, dist = dists.Categorical(num_cats = 2))

    ms1 = juice.multiply(ni0, ni1, edge_ids = torch.tensor([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]], dtype = torch.long))
    ns1 = juice.summate(ms1, edge_ids = torch.tensor([[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]], dtype = torch.long))

    ms2 = juice.multiply(ni2, ni3, edge_ids = torch.tensor([[0, 0], [1, 1]], dtype = torch.long))
    ns2 = juice.summate(ms2, edge_ids = torch.tensor([[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1]], dtype = torch.long))

    ms = juice.multiply(ns1, ns2, edge_ids = torch.tensor([[0, 0], [1, 1]], dtype = torch.long))
    ns = juice.summate(ms, edge_ids = torch.tensor([[0, 0], [0, 1]], dtype = torch.long), block_size = 1)


While the block sizes of the above-defined PC is 2 (except for the root node), ns1 could have block size 4 since every pair of 4 aligned sum nodes in ns1 and 4 aligned child nodes are fully connected. To apply such change, we can use:

new_ns = juice.blockify(ns, sparsity_tolerance = 0.25, max_target_block_size = 32)

There are two parameters to the function. max_target_block_size specifies the maximum block size to be considered; sparsity_tolerance specifies what fraction of pseudo-edges do we allow to add in order to increase the block size even if some pairs of parent and child node blocks are neither fully-connected nor unconnected.

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